Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Top 5 Favorite Childhood Films

Peter Pan
3 Ninjas
Lion King
Blank Check

     As a child, there were many movies that stood out to me. One movie that I could watch over and over again was the movie "Hook" starring Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman. Ever since I was a baby I've loved pirates, and the fact that this movie included pirates AND a love story made it one for the record books. The first time I watched the film I fell in love, due to its captivating storyline and cast. I wasn't completely into cartoons as a kid, I loved action and adventure too much, which is exactly what this film had. As of late, "Hook" is still one of my most favorite movies of all time!

     Now, a timeless classic that all shapes and sizes adore is "Peter Pan." Basically it's the same exact film as "Hook," but as an earlier cartoon. As a young boy, I could relate to the film because I wanted to fly and have 50 or more friends known as "The Lost Boys." I perceived the movie as a gripping adventure when I first saw it, and still do till this day, overlooking the mediocre animation. Not only does "Peter Pan" stand out as a film, but just the name itself.

     "3 Ninjas" is a story about 3 brothers whose grandfather teaches them martial arts. This film came out around 1995, and I first saw it around 1996 or 97. When I first saw the film I thought, "Wow, I want to be a ninja!" My mother thoght there was too much violence in the film, but it was all just poor acting and fake punch noises. Even though I loved the movie back then, I don't seem to feel the same way about it today. Not only have I outgrown my ninja stage, but my lackluster movie choices as well.

     "The Lion King." What else is there to really say? People around the world have been raving about this film since it was first released in 1994. I was 2 years old when I first saw the movie, but I remember it like it was yesterday. Every Saturday morning I would either watch cartoons, or repeat "The Lion King" with my brother. Some parts of the film were scary to me, but I would still watch it almost every week.  I watched the film so much, to a point, that I had to go on a hiatus of NOT watching it. The way I perceived the film then and now is still the same, and I believe it will stay that way until the day I pass. "The Lion King" is easily one of the best films of my generation.

     Finally, another Disney film that seemed to captivate my heart was "Blank Check," that came out in 1994 as well. The 90's seems to be a great decade for producing films. A 12 year old boy named Preston was given a 'blank check' and he filled it out for a million dollars! Now, not only do we all want to be rich and famous, but we as humans wish we could have whatever we want. That was exactly the case in this movie, which is why I still love it till this day. If I could only find it on Netflix or online it would be so much better. The way I perceived the movie was that it's easy to get what you want in life, and you may not even have to work that hard to get it!